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I encourage you to tell me your story. I am an unbiased audience. It's good to get things off your chest. Tell me your 6 word story and lets heal together.


I look up to the stars.


  1. Anonymous11/02/2010

    kellan, (if that is your name)

    i apologize for thinking you might be someone else and posting a lot of garbage. imo everyone is a little confused sometimes. I dont feel good knowing im blocked from your site. I ask that you forgive me for whatever reason you have blocked me. Im sorry for whatever i did wrong or for being fucked up.
    If you dont want me to post here i wont .
    I have never been blocked out of a site and it makes me feel bad. Ill check back nowand then to try to follow your blog. I hope someday you can find it in your heart to unblock me.
    -rob (rivercat/fellowship ofbirds blog
    ps-you seem like a smart person and i gues that is why i feel bad. I didnt think it was going to bother me somuch but it does a little,i mean its not going to kill me if you keep blocking me from following you but it nags at me that i cant somehow resolve the issue. I hope you understand how i feel and why im bothering you again...

  2. I forgive you, but i want to forget you.
    so sorry but thats all there is to it

  3. And my names is not kellan.
